Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Devils Tower National Monument - Devils Tower, Wyoming

Today, we left early (well early for us...9:00am) for the 120 mile drive to Devils Tower National Monument. We arrived around 11:30am. After the obligatory "potty break", we loaded up the cameras and water, and took the 1.3 mile Tower Trail around the monument. During the hike, we stopped several times for pictures. We also stopped a couple of times to watch climbers on the monument.

While we were there, a couple made it to the summit (click on photo below to see the climbers).

By this time it was after 2:00pm and we were starving! We drove about 10 miles to the small town of Hulett and ate lunch at a pizza and sandwich shop. It was good food, good company and good conversation. Oh, we also had ice cream. Then it was back in the Jeep for the 2 1/2 hour ride back to the campground.