Monday, August 17, 2009

Out and About - Custer, South Dakota

Though the weather forecast predicted a possibility of rain and the temperature was a little cool, we decided it was time to get back to some geocaching. We chose four to find. The first two caches were easy to find, each with a short hike.

Y finding the second cache of the day.
The third cache was at Bismark Lake. The hike was a little longer, but scenic. We had a heck of time finding the cache. Because we were so close to a large rock formation, the GPS could not pinpoint the location. We were not sure whether the cache was on top of the rock formation or below. We searched and searched. Finally, while John and I were below the rock formation, I noticed a small ledge where the weeds had been disturbed. Since the online cache logs stated someone had recently found the cache, it looked like a likely place. Sure enough, we found it

Below is the large rock formation that gave us so much trouble on the third cache. The location ended up being just to the right of the photo.
Rick finding the cache.A couple of shots of Bismark Lake.
The final cache for the day was located on Bear Mountain. I plugged in the coordinates into our Jeep's GPS and followed its directions, instead of the notes from the online log. It was a good thing we were in the Jeep and had 4-wheel drive. We ended up approaching the cache location from the opposite direction which required us to navigate an old, bumpy logging road. It was fun and John and Terri got to experience some of the Jeep's capabilities.

The girls checking out the goodies.
On the way home, we came across this family of turkeys.