Thursday, August 27, 2009

Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument - Garryowen, Montana

We arrived just in time for the Ranger Talk. It was quite interesting and included an account of the battle that is not in most history books or portrayed in the movies. Much has been learned as to what actually transpired on the battlefield from archaeological and forensic research. It was a very bloody battle between two armies (the U.S. 7th Calvary and the Sioux and Cheyenne Indian nations), fighting for their "way of life".

View of the location of the Indian settlement along the Little Bighorn River.

View of Last Stand Hill where George Custer and 41 soldiers lost their lives. The white markers denote the approximate locations where the soldiers were found.

A memorial marker covers the mass grave where most of the soldiers are buried. Custer's remains were later reinterred at West Point Military Academy.

The origin of the town's name...Garryowen.