Friday, August 21, 2009

Our Second Attempt - Custer, South Dakota

We headed out after lunch to find the cache that had alluded us. We chose five other caches to find while out running around. The first cache was in the area of the dreaded "no-find" cache. We found it quickly.

Y with the first cache of the day.
Onto the second attempt of the Illingworth Photo Point cache. We brought 2-way radios this time, so the girls could stay in contact with John and I. We quickly climbed the hill since we knew where the cache had to be. We searched and searched, still nothing. We decided to look outside of our previous 30-foot radius. While walking back to the GPS center point, at about 40 feet, I looked down into a crevice and there it was...lying there in the open. SUCCESS!!! The log book and contents were wet. We repositioned the cache container so it was standing vertically and placed rocks around it. We climbed down the hill with big grins and chests inflated.

Finally, we found the booty!
Before continuing with the other four caches on our agenda, we stopped at the Gordon Stockade. The stockade was the location of an illegal settlement, by white settlers, in an area that was reserved for the Sioux Indians.
View of Stockade Lake from the Gordon Stockade.
Finding the final cache of the day (6 of 6), woo hoo!!!

We all decided we were hungry and tired, so we headed off to Pizza Hut, then home for showers. Later, John and Terri came over for a couple of games of cards.