Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Geocaching the Glacier Area - Montana

Today we set out to visit the Many Glacier area of Glacier NP on the east side. After driving about 20 miles we realized that we had forgotten the camera &$@%&*! Instead of returning the rig to get the camera, we decided to make the day a "geocaching day". We found a total of 9 caches today. We have hit our first milestone...50 caches found!!! The pictures below were taken with my cellphone.

Y finding the most difficult (length of time to find) of the day.
Rick finding an easy one.
I didn't know I would have to stand on my head to get this one.
Y finding the last one of the day. A film canister clipped to a tree branch!

We've decided to visit Waterton Park in Alberta, Canada tomorrow and pick up our first international cache. On the way back, we will stop and see the Many Glacier area that we missed today.