Monday, September 15, 2008

Visiting in Los Alamos

We spent this past weekend visiting with Rick's sister Joanne and brother-in-law Jay in Los Alamos. We toured the area of the 2000 fire that destroyed a significant portion of the forest and numerous homes...including Jay's previous home. We spent the rest of the weekend learning and playing various board and card games. We really enjoyed the home-cooked meals and playing the Mahjong game!

We did our first dry-camping with our new Excel in the Los Alamos County Entrance Park. The "park" is a basically a parking lot with public restrooms and a dump station. There was a lot of road noise since we were adjacent to the main road in/out of Los Alamos. There was also construction on the other side of the parking lot where they are building a new school district administration complex. The county charges $10 per day...expensive for no hookups, but there are no other choices.

We left Los Alamos around 8:00am this morning and drove to Deming, NM. We stopped in Albuquerque at the Flying J Travel Plaza for fuel and breakfast. We arrived at the Dream Catcher RV Park (Escapees Rainbow Park) at 3:45pm. This was our first trip driving separate vehicles...Rick driving the truck and trailer and Y driving the Jeep. It worked out OK. We were able to communicate with each other using our walkie-talkies.