Sunday, September 21, 2008

Deming, New Mexico

We've spent the last week at Dream Catcher RV Park in Deming, New Mexico. Dream Catcher is a RV park in the Escapees organization. The social hours were quite lively. We spent a couple of evenings playing Pegs & Jokers with Jessie and Ann (park managers).

We visited the Deming Luna Mimbres Museum. The museum contains an extensive collection of items depicting the history of Deming.

We drove down to Columbus (35 miles south of Deming) on the Mexico border. Columbus was the site of the Pancho Villa raid in 1916. We visited the Railroad Depot Museum while in Columbus. The museum has numerous artifacts from the old railroading days and the 1916 raid.

There are several state parks in the area. We visited Rockhound State Park to take pictures of the Florida Mountains (pronounced flor-ee-da).

We will leave Deming on Monday and head over to Lakewood, New Mexico (between Carlsbad and Artesia).