Thursday, December 2, 2010

Local Site-Seeing - Tucson, Arizona

Today, John Schindler (a fellow RVer that we met in Eagle Nest) picked us up for a tour of some of the local historical spots. John has a home here in Tucson and travels during the hot summer months.

We first went to the Mission San Xavier del Bac. The mission was founded in 1692 by the Jesuit priest, Fr. Euseblo Kino and the present was built under the direction of the Franciscans in 1783. The church is still used today as the parish of the Tohono O' oldham tribe.

We stopped at a local 'dive' called Tiny's for some great burgers. Next we visited Saguaro West National Park and drove over Gates Pass.

John told us that he first visited Tucson in 1952 when he attended Air Force Flight Training at the Marana Air Field. Later in the evening, we had dinner with one of his former flight training classmates at a restaurant they frequented in 1952. We had a great time, and look forward to additional site-seeing after the holidays.