Saturday, October 16, 2010

Making a Movie - Eagle Nest, New Mexico

For the last couple of days, a movie company has used the RV Park as their base of operations as they shot parts of a movie in the area. Half of the lower level was taken up with office trailers, restrooms, dressing rooms, prop trucks, a kitchen trailer and a lunchroom trailer. Most of the crew parked up on the upper level where our rig is parked. Several vans were used to shuttle cast/crew back and forth between the RV Park and the shooting locations. It is surprising on how much equipment and crew are needed to make a movie. I was told by one of the crew that this was one of the smallest crews he had worked on, many were much larger.

The final scene shot in the area involved the main character in a car chase (truck). Below is a picture of the camera boom truck that films the moving vehicle. The red truck in the background is driven by the actor.

By 7:00pm, the entire crew had left and the park was quiet. During the exodus, one of the trucks had managed to run over and break one of the water spigots. More plumbing duties!

Oh, the main actor...Sean Penn.