Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Greenie Peak - Red River, New Mexico

Today, we took a ride up to one of our favorite spots...Greenie Peak (11,240'). The road was pretty good, although it requires 4wd and high clearance. From the top you can see Eagle Nest Lake and several of the surrounding peaks.

After Greenie Peak, we headed down toward Midnight Meadow. The road was fairly narrow and full of mud/water pits. One pit was about 2/3rds up the Jeep's wheels.

One of the meadows along the way.

We then headed over past Midnight Mine to pick up a geocache. We had to park the Jeep about a third of a mile from the location and hike the rest of the way. It was a very steep decent down to the location. That meant it would be a VERY steep incline on the way back. Once at the location of the geocache, the GPS pointed toward a steep hill...about 300' straight up! It was very difficult climbing up to the cache, but I made it. The hike back to the Jeep was similarly difficult. The 1/3 of a mile felt more like 2/3 of a mile...with the steep ascent.

View from the cache location. Notice the steep climb.