Monday, April 20, 2009

Excel Service Center - Smith Center, Kansas

We are at the Excel Factory Service Center in Smith Center, Kansas having some work done on the trailer. Bad I thought, rain water has infiltrated the bedroom slide and the floor is rotted out! They had to pull the entire slide out.

Our bedroom slide, upside down, with the flooring removed.

Removed flooring with water damage along the edges.

The carpet in the hall was showing excessive wear and the service center would warrant it, so we chose to have it replaced with tile. We also decided to have the living room carpet removed and replaced with the same tile (our cost).

On Friday, we got a pleasant surprise...John & Terri Prather, who we had met here at the service center last May, walked in the door. We spent Friday evening and all day Saturday updating each other on this past year's travels. They will be camphosting in Custer, South Dakota. Since we are planning to travel through the Dakotas this summer, we will stop at their park when we are in the area.