Saturday, March 19, 2011

Home For A While - Bastrop, Texas

Since we need to be in Smith Center, Kansas in early June, we adjusted our travel plans and returned to Bastrop for a visit with family and friends. Chris & Megan now have hookups, so we are set up next to their house.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Trailer Maintenance - Tucson, Arizona

On our previous Excel trailer (2002 33RKO Limited) we suffered major water intrusion over the large slideout in 2007. The Excel Service Center had to replace the large header board above the slideout opening. The service technician said the problem was caused by failed caulking. They explained what to look for and how to fix it. At that time, we swore we would never let that happen again.

A few months later, we took delivery of our 2008 Excel 33TKE Limited. Each time I washed the rig, I would check for any failed caulking. A little over a year and a half passed and we were back at the Excel Service Center having the floor of our bedroom slideout replaced...due to water intrusion and wood rot. No failed caulking was found and the service technician was unable to determine the location where the water intruded. The bright moment of the trip to the service center...John and Terri Prather walked in later in the week. We had met them the previous year at the service center. We caught up on our respected travels and made plans to meet later in Custer, South Dakota. Over the last couple of years, we have visited and traveled with them, including this winter in Tucson.

So where is all of this going, you ask? Last week John and I began installing Eternabond over several of the locations on our trailer that pose a threat of water intrusion. John had performed this preventative maintenance on their trailer last winter. We installed the Eternabond on the street-side and roof locations of the trailer without finding any signs of water intrusion. As we began to prep the curb-side of the trailer, we notice several rusty screws. We then pulled the dining room slideout in and examined the screws surrounding the inside opening...more rusty screws...&%@$%#. We checked all around the slideout opening and everything seems solid. But, I am not taking any chances based on our previous experiences. We stopped the prep and called the service center for an appointment. Our appointment is June 13th. As a precaution, John and I removed and replaced all the caulking surrounding the slideout. After finding a few more places where the caulking was failing (loose), we removed and replaced ALL the caulking on the trailer. A four-day project! I feel better now about the integrity of the trailer and hope the service center only finds minimal damage. We had already planned to wash and wax both trailers, so that was our next project. We finished today.
It is great having good friends...thanks John! I don't want to forget the ladies, Y and Terri kept us well fed during our week and a half long project.