Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy Birthday, Y - Tucson, Arizona

Today, is Y's birthday. She turned ?? years old. We enjoyed an early dinner with John & Terri, followed by a nice evening of cards.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Settled in for the Winter - Tucson, Arizona

We arrived in Tucson this past Monday, after a short drive from Casa Grande. We were met by our friends, John & Terri Prather (fellow Excel owners and previous travel buddies). We got set up and later met over at their rig where Terri had prepared dinner. We played several games of Pegs & Jokers, while getting caught up on the latest family news.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Visiting Friends - Casa Grande, Arizona

We are ending our visit with friends, Lee and Connie, and heading for Tucson tomorrow. We have enjoyed our visit, which included: a visit to the St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery in Florence, a gigantic flea market in Apache Junction, numerous games of Pegs & Jokers and Shanghai, good food and great conversation.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Warmer Weather - Albuquerque, New Mexico

We are ending our week in Albuquerque and leaving for Deming in the morning. We met up with Bruce and Bridgette for dinner the evening before their flight to Florida. The local Jeep dealer replaced the steering control arm, that was making a clucking noise when hitting sharp bumps. We made two trips to Camping World, for items we thought we could not live without. We visited the Albuquerque Bio-Park (aquarium and botanical garden) and generally "hung out"...enjoying the warmer weather.