Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Eagles Have Landed - Bastrop, Texas

Quoting our son, Chris "We made it home safe and sound, both boys are snuggled up in their swings. My tough as nails, sweet, beautiful wife is doing great. And so the adventure begins!!!! Oh, as for me. I am not able to find the words to describe my emotions so I remain speechless!"

Friday, May 28, 2010

Clinton & Jaxon Dyer - Austin, Texas

Today was a truly awesome day! The alarm went off at 5:00am...something that we are not used to since we have been retired. We drove into Austin for the delivery of our new grandsons. Megan gave birth to our twin grandsons, Clinton at 7:51am and Jaxon at 7:53am. Both weighed in at 5 pounds and 18 inches long (technically 5lbs 0oz, 18" and 4lbs 15oz, 18 1/4" respectfully). Mother and babies are doing fine.

Waiting to go into the Delivery Room.

Two handsome looking boys!

Proud Nanna and Pappy.

Jordyn with her new twin brothers.

Additional photos can be seen here.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fixed Wing - Bastrop, Texas

Today we rose early for Y's scheduled shoulder surgery. She had arthroscopic surgery to remove an inflamed Bursa and a bone spur on her Acromion in her right shoulder. The surgery went well and she is recuperating at home for a few days.