Saturday, March 27, 2010

Enjoying the Grandkids - Bastrop, Texas

We are definitely in the allergy capitol of the world. It took less than three days before I started having allergy symptoms. The trailer and vehicles are covered in yellow pollen. Hot, muggy weather. Already turned on the air-conditioner. Oh, we both long for the dryer climate of Tucson. The good least we get to visit with the kids, grandkids, relatives and friends.

This past week Tyler had a kindergarten play where he was a bear (no costume) and Jordyn had a soccer game.


Cici (posing while watching her brother's play)

Little brother, Wyatt

Jordyn, showing off some of her athletic abilities.

Contemplating the meaning of it all?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Back in Texas - Bastrop, Texas

After saying our "goodbyes" to John and Terri, we left Tucson on Wednesday morning and made it back to Bastrop this afternoon. The trip was uneventful, other than a minor issue before we left Deming, on Thursday morning. We had a low-pressure warning on one of the rear truck tires. I had a problem with the stem on that wheel last December. I made sure it was tight and aired up the tire. I closely monitored it for the rest of the problems.

We will be here until after the 4th of July

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mount Lemmon - Tucson, Arizona

We finally got around to driving to the the top of Mount Lemmon (~8,000' elevation). John and Terri went with us. At the base of the mountain there were signs warning that chains or 4x4 vehicles were required past a certain point. At around the 5,500' level, we began to encounter snow on the sides of the road. As we continued the ascent the amount of snow increased. The roads had been plowed and were in good condition. The warning signs were "out of date". We stopped at a couple of roadside vistas for pictures. At one stop, John and I managed to find a geocache. We drove past the ski lift, watched a guy digging his vehicle out of the snow, then around to the small community of Summerhaven, where kids were sledding on the snow.

On the way back to the RV park, we stopped at John and Terri's favorite BBQ restaurant...Famous Dave's. It was great food, then home for some cards and Pegs & Jokers.

At Windy Point

Kids enjoying the snow in Summerhaven.

Snow melt flowing down the mountain.

Enjoying the day!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A 3-Hour Tour - Tucson, Arizona

Today we took a 5-mile hike through some of the public land behind the RV Park. The hike was led by one of the park residents. We stopped at a couple of old mine sites and took pictures in front of a multi-armed Saguaro cactus (45-70 arms, depending on who is counting). With all the recent rains, the desert is beginning to "green up". The Ocotillo bushes are beginning to bloom.

A Tucson Desert Christmas Tree

Ocotillo, in bloom
We are cutting short, our stay in Tucson and heading back to Texas on the 17th. Our daughter-in-law Megan, is experiencing some complications with her pregnancy and we want to be home for the impending birth of our twin grandsons.

We sure like the area around Tucson, so much so, that we have decided to come back next year (January-March 2011).