Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009 - Bastrop, Texas

We wish all our family and friends

a very

Merry Christmas!

Our Grandkids

Monday, December 14, 2009

Home for the Holidays - Bastrop, Texas

After saying our good-byes to our friends, John & Sandy, we left Alpine and headed for Bastrop. Our initial plans were to stop in Johnson City for the night, but since we were making good time, we decided to drive straight through, and arrived in Bastrop at 5:00pm. We got the rig set up and drove over to Tonya & Eric's for dinner and visiting.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cabin Fever - Alpine, Texas

The weather in Alpine has been cold, windy and rainy for the last four days. This morning we woke up to ice and snow. We are suffering from Cabin Fever! We did get some Christmas shopping At least the weather forecast has it warming up tomorrow.