Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bastrop to Mercedes, Texas

We left Bastrop this morning after spending a great time visiting with the kids, grandkids, family and friends.

We arrived at the Paradise South RV Resort in Mercedes, Texas to "big hugs" from our friends Jerry and Charlene. We got the trailer set up, then Jerry and Charlene gave us a tour around the resort. Jerry cooked hamburgers for dinner and the guys beat the girls at Pegs & Jokers.

We will spend November through March camphosting in the resort's Activity Office with Jerry and Charlene.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Bastrop, Texas

We arrived in Bastrop this past Tuesday (a week early) and setup at the Bastrop RV Park for the next four weeks. This is the RV park we first stayed after we sold our house. The picture on their home page is our first Excel. We have several appointments scheduled before we head down to south Texas at the end of the month.

Saturday was Wyatt's first birthday. Tonya and Eric had a birthday party for him at a local park. We visited with family and friends.

Wyatt stayed with us that evening and we watched the Texas vs. Colorado football game.

Jordyn showing off her new earrings.

The grandkids at the Pumpkin Patch for pictures.